ROM Addresses - Unlock All

This information about WWF No Mercy is attributed to freem and was originally found here.

Instructions for hacking this onto a ROM:

First, check which region and version of the game you are hacking. This is important, since the locations change based on region and revision.

“z64 ROM address” represents the location to edit in a Z64 format ROM. “runtime address” represents where the code is located during execution (a.k.a. memory editor address).

The old/new instructions are given in the general form: assembly ; bytes where “assembly” is the code represented by the four bytes on the other side of the “;”.

Find the four bytes from the “old instruction” and replace them with the bytes from the “new instruction”.


NTSC-U and PAL v1.0
z64 ROM address 0x574E4
runtime address 800DAFC4

old instruction
lbu $v0, 0xEE40($at) ; 90 22 EE 40

new instruction
addiu $v0, $r0, 0x00FF ; 24 02 00 FF
NTSC-U v1.1
z64 ROM address 0x57444
runtime address 800D9A94

old instruction
lbu $v0, 0xD910($at) ; 90 22 D9 10

new instruction
addiu $v0, $r0, 0x00FF ; 24 02 00 FF
PAL v1.1
z64 ROM address 0x57344
runtime address 800D9994

old instruction
lbu $v0, 0xD810($at) ; 90 22 D8 10

new instruction
addiu $v0, $r0, 0x00FF ; 24 02 00 FF
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