Gameshark Code - Updated Kidman Attire

This information about WCW-nWo Revenge is attributed to S.K. Stylez and was originally found here.

Here’s an updated attire for Kidman. It’s best to keep the jeans black, as changing the colour will change the kneepad colour as well.

S.K. Stylez


Replaces Original Attire
810310FA 0468
81031108 046F
81035506 06BB
81035508 06BC
81035516 06F9
81035518 06FA
81035532 06F9
81035534 06FA
8103550A 0609
8103550C 060A
8103550E 05ED
81035510 05EE
81035526 0865
81035528 0866
8103552A 0845
8103552C 0846
8103553A 0865
8103553C 0866
81035546 0845
81035548 0846
81035512 0725
81035514 0726
8103552E 0725
81035530 0726
810324F8 0B7D
810324FA 0B80
810324FC 0B7A
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