Memory Addresses - Custom Costumes

This information about WWF Wrestlemania 2000 is attributed to C-Drive.

String Conversion Tool

Putting the string conversion tool up top for quick access. Read the Details section below for the explanation.

The tool below accepts a string of bytes separated by a space - depending on where you copy your data from, you may need to reformat it for this tool. For an example look to the Details section below.


Load up WM2K into Edit mode and select your newly costumed Edit.

Memory addresses are from 80171768 - 8017179E, and the string will be 55 bytes. The below is an example string (feel free to test it in the tool above).

03 02 00 3D 07 0A 31 05 08 04 05 00 17 00 00 0C 00 00 2A 00 00 19 00 00 14 00 00 04 03 0A 04 08 00 05 02 00 11 00 00 03 06 00 0B 03 00 0E 05 00 13 06 1F 13 09 00 02 00

Once you’ve copied that 55 byte string from memory, you can paste it into the first text area in the String Conversion Tool above. Hit the Output button and it will generate the typical 36 byte costume string used for costume replacement in Wrestlemania 2000.

The table below details what each byte of the string represents:

Offset CostumeDataType
Offset 0x00 Body Size
Offset 0x01 Skin Color
Offset 0x02 unused
Offset 0x03 Ring Attire
Offset 0x04 Ring Attire Color 1
Offset 0x05 Ring Attire Color 2
Offset 0x06 Upper Attire
Offset 0x07 Upper Attire Color 1
Offset 0x08 Upper Attire Color 2
Offset 0x09 Head Shape
Offset 0x0A Hair Color
Offset 0x0B Unknown 1
Offset 0x0C Face Number
Offset 0x0D unused
Offset 0x0E unused
Offset 0x0F Hair 1
Offset 0x10 unused
Offset 0x11 unused
Offset 0x12 Hair 2
Offset 0x13 unused
Offset 0x14 unused
Offset 0x15 Facial Hair
Offset 0x16 unused
Offset 0x17 unused
Offset 0x18 Masks, Etc
Offset 0x19 unused
Offset 0x1A unused
Offset 0x1B Gloves
Offset 0x1C Gloves Color 1
Offset 0x1D Gloves Color 2
Offset 0x1E Left Elbow Pad
Offset 0x1F Left Elbow Pad Color
Offset 0x20 unused
Offset 0x21 Right Elbow Pad
Offset 0x22 Right Elbow Pad Color
Offset 0x23 unused
Offset 0x24 Tattoo
Offset 0x25 Unknown 2
Offset 0x26 unused
Offset 0x27 Wristband
Offset 0x28 Wristband Color
Offset 0x29 unused
Offset 0x2A Left Knee Pad
Offset 0x2B Left Knee Pad Color
Offset 0x2C unused
Offset 0x2D Right Knee Pad
Offset 0x2E Right Knee Pad Color
Offset 0x2F unused
Offset 0x30 Boots
Offset 0x31 Boots Color 1
Offset 0x32 Boots Color 2
Offset 0x33 Entrance Attire
Offset 0x34 unused (likely Entrance Attire color)
Offset 0x35 unused
Offset 0x36 Entrance Weapon
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