ROM Addresses - Movesets

This information about WWF Wrestlemania 2000 is attributed to WldFb and was originally found here.

These are the ROM addresses for movesets in WM2000 (fighting style/profile and moveset) I found a few years ago. I don’t believe I posted them anywhere.

There are a few hidden ones (they don’t work, probably they use a format from an early version of the game), the names on the right are just my own speculation based on the alphabetical order (since it seems that’s how they decided their order in the ROM). Jericho was probably a late addition as his current place doesn’t make sense alphabetically and it seems Goldust was supposed to be in the game originally.


481FCC 481FEA Prince Albert  
48209E 4820BC unfinished Ali Singh?
482172 482190 Al Snow  
482244 482262 Steve Austin  
482316 482334 Paul Bearer  
4823E8 482406 Big Show  
4824BA 4824D8 Steve Blackman  
48258C 4825AA Big Bossman  
48265E 48267C Bradshaw  
482730 48274E Brian Christopher  
482802 482820 Gerald Brisco  
4828D4 4828F2 Cactus Jack  
4829A6 4829C4 Christian  
482A78 482A96 Chyna  
482B4A 482B68 Debra  
482C1C 482C3A D’Lo Brown  
482CEE 482D0C Road Dogg  
482DC0 482DDE Droz  
482E92 482EB0 Dude Love  
482F64 482F82 Edge  
483036 483054 Faarooq  
483108 483126 Gangrel  
4831DA 4831F8 unfinished Gillberg?
4832AE 4832CC Godfather  
483380 48339E Chris Jericho Goldust?
483452 483470 Mr Ass Billy Gunn  
483524 483542 Michael Hayes  
4835F6 483614 Mark Henry  
4836C8 4836E6 Triple H  
48379A 4837B8 Hardcore Holly  
48386C 48388A Ivory  
48393E 48395C Jacqueline  
483A10 483A2E Jarrett  
483AE2 483B00 Jeff Hardy  
483BB4 483BD2 Jim Ross  
483C86 483CA4 Kane  
483D58 483D76 Jerry Lawler  
483E2A 483E48 Mankind  
483EFC 483F1A Matt Hardy  
483FCE 483FEC Meat  
4840A0 4840BE Shawn Michaels  
484172 484190 Mideon  
484244 484262 Blue Meanie  
484316 484334 Mosh  
4843E8 484406 unfinished Nicole Bass?
4844BC 4844DA unfinished Owen Hart?
48458E 4845AE Pat Patterson  
484662 484680 The Rock  
484734 484752 unfinished Sable?
484808 484826 Hos Ryan Shamrock?
4848DA 4848F8 Ken Shamrock  
4849AC 4849CA Shane  
484A7E 484A9C Stephanie  
484B50 484B6E Taylor  
484C22 484C40 Terri Runnells  
484CF4 484D12 Test  
484DC6 484DE4 Thrasher  
484E98 484EB6 Tori  
484F6A 484F88 Undertaker  
48503C 48505A Val Venis  
48510E 48512C Vince  
4851E0 4851FE Viscera  
4852B2 4852D0 X-Pac  
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