Wrestlemania X Roster Reveal Part 2

This information about Wrestlemania X is attributed to G.M.Spectre and was originally found here.

Video Description

My current mods can be found and patched at https://patcher.aki.guide/

So here is the second official roster reveal video for Wrestlemania X, an upcoming N64 mod for Wrestlemania 2000 focusing at a time around the attitude era (although not strictly). I consider all these characters finished, meaning that their movesets, stats, logic, 4 outfits, themes, and placement in the rom is finished barring any changes. I will release these videos as soon as I complete a “column” of characters.

Diesel - Like others, he’s pretty much ported from Revenge as is, albeit without the nWo taunts.

Mr. Perfect - Another steaight up Revenge port.

Ahmed Johnson - Using the Project Outsider face graphic and moveset as a base, I also added his weird double kneepad things he wore.

Marty Janetty - Now here is one I’m really proud of, especially the t-shirt. This is the classic Rocker with imported Superkick from No Mercy (as opposed to the Sweet Chin Music in WM2K) and top rope fistdrop courtesy of Orson. And I finally got to use the VPW2 Footloose tights since they matched the t-shirt art.

1-2-3 Kid - WM2k’s X-Pac with a slightly altered moveset based on DJKM’s Firepro CAW. However, I gave him the scoop tombstone as his front finisher an a nod to his old Lightning Kid pre-WWF days.

British Bulldog - Although mostly a Revenge port, I did give him his Allied Powers look with edited Lex Luger outfit. He also has an awesome powerslam created by Jordyad.

Tatanka - Another one I’m really happy turned out well, except for the lack of red in his hair (I may add it, if I can figure something out). He has the Samoan Drop animation for his finisher, created by Orson.

