Rob Van Dam vs. Stone Cold (VPW Studio Test Hack)

This information about WCW vs. nWo - World Tour is attributed to RagDas and was originally found here.

Video Description

No plans to do anything here. Just another step forward for this game’s hack potential, as we explore a couple of different topics.

(Before I continue – apologies for the jitters. I’m recording this on PJ64 1.6 so, it’s not exactly new software.)

The most obvious point of note here is that porting models from Revenge is a rousing success, but only for certain body types; those in the know would have seen that the heavyset body types suffer from joint disconnect issues. Other non-standard body types experience this as well, but it is less noticeable.

In addition to the above, I noticed that sunglasses in World Tour are considered a third model. This led to my exploring the notion that three-poly heads already existed in the pre-Revenge AKI games and that indeed turned out to be the case. As a result, it is possible to port Revenge heads as well. It is important to remind you, however, that having all of this work in-game requires hex editing. VPW Studio allows you to make the model available for use; hex editing is how you get the game to put the model where it needs to be with the textures and palettes it needs to have.

“Mr. TV” makes his World Tour debut in this video for good reason: he pushes ‘custom movesets’ to their breaking point. Frogsplashes are exclusively a ‘pinning move’ in this game, but thanks to some error-checking from Melonbread on my behalf, we can now use it as a non-pinning move (although there is no ‘getting up’ animation, so it looks a little bit weird). He also has access to moves in unusual slots, such as his monkey flip from the corner position, or the falling powerslam as an Irish Whip grapple.

As always, I have freem to thank for VPW Studio and Melonbread to thank for always being game to debug some of the wilder ideas I sometimes err in executing.


Comments & Replies

I had and enjoyed this game only thing i wished different was this very current instrumental song during the matches , it got old and annoying very fast , other then that, fun game good memories

The BGM changes depending on which ring you choose to wrestle in, and in the Champion Road it changes depending on which company you choose to fight in. This BGM is basically the “Antonio Inoki theme song” (almost every wrestling game made by a Japanese company has one) of the game. There’s even a Tag Team variation for each of the match BGMs.


Is this just a test or will we see a full romhack?

This is a test. There were quite a few characters complete before I decided I wasn’t interested in hacking World Tour anymore, but I still thought it was important to share that World Tour, graphically, can be upgraded to the level of Revenge. The work I did on this didn’t go to waste though – quite a few textures and concepts eventually became a part of Virtual Pro Wrestling Salvo.

